Latest News & Rumors


Tough Enough 2 Applications - (9-05-01)
WWF Commercials during the World Series
Two former WWF wrestlers given the pink slip
Undertaker getting backstage heat from Smackdown
Reason behind of moving Smackdown to Tuesday next week
DirecTV response to emails from WWF fans
Shane McMahon and his booking ideas
Kane hospitalized
McMahon sells $25 million in WWF stock
WWF Quarterly Financial Numbers
Goldberg coming to WWF?????
DDP injured at SummerSlam
Vince McMahon has smile on his face due to this past Raw
Paul Heyman gives his thoughts of SummerSlam from a Alliance view
Kane suffering an injury due to SummerSlam
Unforgiven PPV not available on DirecTV
Ross Report Updated with thoughts of SummerSlam - (8-21-01)